Excursions for Holiday Care Providers
If you are a holiday care provider, Herdsman Lake Discovery Centre can offer your organisation tailored environmental education activities at the Discovery Centre Monday - Friday throughout the school holidays!
Our environmental educators will provide fun & scientific hands-on nature activities, utilising both our indoor and outdoor stunning spaces.
Catering for 30-50 children aged 4+, our 3hr programs can be tailored to suit a wide range of abilities and interests.
Activities may include:
*Aquatic invertebrate scooping
*Leaf-litter sifting & invertebrate investigation
*Guided nature walks & 'Bird Bingo'
* Discovery Centre Tour & Introduction to the resident animals
* Creature Feature (when available)
Bus parking & universal access facilities available.
$15 per child - 3hrs
Minimum charge $450
All staff hold WWC cards and programs can be tailored to suit.
We look forward to Welcoming you to the Centre Soon!