Since state government funding for environmental education programs ceased in 2019, we have been seeking support from sponsors. We were extremely fortunate to be awarded a substantial Lotterywest grant to renovate and re-establish as a state-of-the-art education centre. With that grant coming to an end, we are now seeking sponsors who share our vision to continue to provide students with quality and innovative environmental and Indigenous education opportunities into the future.
The new state-of-the-art Discovery Centre was opened by the WA Premier in September 2021 and provides a unique location for schools and community education programs encompassing science, indigenous culture, and community wellbeing, leveraging the Gould League’s track record of managing education programs since its inception in 1939, with the site at Herdsman Lake successfully managed and operated since 1984.
Each year over 6,000 primary and secondary students, as well as special needs and seniors’ groups from across Western Australia attend the WA Gould League’s programs. The WA Gould League has been instrumental in inspiring thousands of young people, with students going on to successful careers in science, academia and teaching.
Unique Programs Supporting Community Development
Current programs offered by our diverse team include curriculum-linked School Excursion and Incursion opportunities and educational resources focusing on science exploration for Primary, Secondary and home-school students, early childhood Nature Playgroups, After School Nature Club, School Holiday programs, monthly Family Nature weekends, Night Walks and Bird Walks. Unique Indigenous learning activities are provided in partnership with Elders to educate and engage students with cultural knowledge and help them to understand the sustainable practices that enabled Aboriginal societies to live with only a small ecological footprint. Attendance across all programs is diverse, including school and family-based groups catering for all ages, primarily from the Perth and Peel area. Virtual excursions are offered to engage remote and rural participants.
The centre regularly partners with local organisations including BirdLife WA, WA Naturalists’ Club, Insect Study Society, Native Animal Rescue, Boorloo Aboriginal Cultural Experiences, and Nyungar Birdiyia to provide a community hub for environmental learning for everyone, through its innovative, interactive exhibits and wildlife enclosures.
Funding Proposal
We would like to invite sponsors to consider financial support in part or full of these future programs. Your level of support can be flexible based on a shared vision.
Inhouse Educators “Excellent Teaching for All Students”.
Attract and retain part-time Primary/Secondary qualified teachers and presenters to facilitate the Centres’ diverse and all-inclusive education programs. The educators will run the curriculum-based excursion programs for all learning groups.
Indigenous Teacher Training “Next Generation Leaders”.
Program to train educators to share Indigenous culture and land management insights. Training Indigenous educators for outreach opportunities to share First Nations’ knowledge of Country addressing the current community shortage of Indigenous educators.
STEM Laboratory “Future Ready Students”.
Construction of a science laboratory onsite at the Discovery Centre would expand the educational offering of the centre. Existing space within the centre will be renovated to provide laboratory benchtops and science exploration equipment including microscopes and audio-visual teaching tools to facilitate physical science exploration opportunities for students.
Regional & Remote School Incursions "Reach-Out Learning"
Enabling Centre educators and environmental scientists to travel to regional and remote Western Australian communities ​and deliver high-quality STEM programs to students who may not otherwise have access to such resources and technology.
Outside of these initiatives, financial support to subsidise the educational program cost to schools is appreciated at any level and will allow wider availability to all.
For further information about the Herdsman Discovery Centre, the programs and management committee please contact us at: president@wagouldleague.com.au